Upcoming LDD & CoResolve Courses




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Masterclass in Turkey: Unlock the Art of Navigating Polarities

Masterclass in Turkey: Unlock the Art of Navigating Polarities

Instructor: Myrna Lewis

Location: On Site

Venue: Galata

Language: English

Contact: support@lewisdeepdemocracy.com

Book Tickets: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSd6eR9bRxdYQzJvZjLSb3iyz53cenPE2gnFBKy8lcuQdbDeMw/closedform

Join Myrna Lewis in an interactive and experiential Masterclass designed to develop your ability to navigate disagreements and transform them from a source of stress into opportunities for growth, deeper learning, and innovation.

You will leave the Masterclass with:

  • An understanding of the root causes of conflict and how it emerges in group settings.

  • An awareness of how to create an environment where conflicting views can be expressed and heard.

  • Practical strategies for addressing and resolving tension.

  • An opportunity to experience first-hand the power of the method and see the methodology in action, allowing you to witness its transformative potential.

  • Uncover new aspects of yourself, enriching your personal growth and enhancing your professional capabilities.

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Level 1 Foundation
to May 23

Level 1 Foundation

Instructor: Inge Smak

Location: Netherlands, Utrecht- Langbroek

Language: Dutch

On Site

Contact: info@ingesmak.com

Website: https://ingesmak.com/deep-democracy-level-1/

In deze tweedaagse training leer je de basisgedachten en enkele krachtige tools voor besluitvorming en conflictresolutie van de Lewis methode van Deep Democracy. We maken gebruik van alle informatie die van invloed is op de besluitvorming in groepen, zoals emoties, gedachten, fysieke symptomen of archetypes. Je oefent zelf met het faciliteren van werkvormen als de check in, gesprek op voeten en de 4 stappen van besluitvorming. Je verdiept jouw metaskills als facilitator om complexe groepsdynamiek te begeleiden, doordat jij je meer bewust wordt van de rollen die je in een groep inneemt.

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Masterclass in Germany: Unlock the Art of Navigating Polarities

Masterclass in Germany: Unlock the Art of Navigating Polarities

Instructor: Myrna Lewis & Christiane Leiste

Location: On Site

Venue: Osterfeldstraße 6, 22529 Hamburg, Germany

Language: English

Contact: info@lean-in.eu

Book Tickets: https://booking.seminardesk.de/de/ios-schley/1c88e7180071497ab984cf35f9158681/unlock-the-art-of-navigating-polarities

Join Myrna Lewis & Christiane Leiste in an interactive and experiential Masterclass designed to develop your ability to navigate disagreements and transform them from a source of stress into opportunities for growth, deeper learning, and innovation.

You will leave the Masterclass with:

  • An understanding of the root causes of conflict and how it emerges in group settings.

  • An awareness of how to create an environment where conflicting views can be expressed and heard.

  • Practical strategies for addressing and resolving tension.

  • An opportunity to experience first-hand the power of the method and see the methodology in action, allowing you to witness its transformative potential.

  • Uncover new aspects of yourself, enriching your personal growth and enhancing your professional capabilities.

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CoResolve Foundation
to Jun 5

CoResolve Foundation

Instructor: Helga Schepers

Location: France in Lille

On site

Language: English

Contact: Helga@3vision.be

Website: https://sietareu.org/events/pre-congress-2024/

CoResolve for todays leaders... Working together on supported decision-making.

Dive into a facilitation methodology designed for dealing with emotionally charged dynamics and diversity. Leaders of all types benefit from theoretical foundations, practical instructions, and continuing support. Gain a fresh perspective on team dynamics, identifying resistance, and proactive conflict resolution. Encourage mutual understanding, collaborative decision-making, and open communication. Learn to accept friction as a source of growth and innovation. This intensive two-day workshop offers hands-on training, empowering participants to use Lewis Deep Democracy tools effectively while gaining invaluable self-insights. Boost your leadership and change your approach to confrontation. Join us and unlock your team's full potential.

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Level 3 Foundation

Level 3 Foundation

Instructor: Hilde De Voghel & Nele Vandeperre

Location: Leuven, Belgium (10 min walk from the train-station)

Language: English

Contact: nele@deepdemocracy.be

Website: https://deep-democracy.be

Dive Deeper into Group Dynamics with Our Level 3 Lewis Deep Democracy Course!

Ready to take your facilitation skills to the next level? Join us for our immersive two-day Level 3 course, where we plunge beneath the surface to explore the powerful tools of Lewis Deep Democracy's fifth step: amplification, polarization, and conflict resolution.

What can you expect?

🔍 Advanced Techniques: Refresh and expand your understanding of CoResolve basics while delving into concepts like "Amplification," polarization, and conflict resolution.

🤝 Conflict Resolution Mastery: Develop the heightened ability to navigate group conflicts with finesse, leading your team towards effective and sustainable solutions.

🧠 Neutrality Training: Strengthen your "neutrality muscle," honing in on your ability to remain impartial in group dynamics, swiftly recognizing and regaining neutrality when needed.

👂 Enhanced Listening Skills: Master reflective listening techniques to foster deeper understanding and connection within your group.

Don't miss out on this opportunity to elevate your facilitation game and empower your groups to thrive amidst challenges. Enroll now and unlock the full potential of Lewis Deep Democracy's transformative approach!

This course is with in room supervision by Myrna!

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Masterclass in Belgium: Unlock the Art of Navigating Polarities

Masterclass in Belgium: Unlock the Art of Navigating Polarities

Instructor: Myrna Lewis

Location: On Site

Venue: Dorpsstraat 1B, 3020 Herent, Belgium

Language: English

Contact: support@lewisdeepdemocracy.com

Book Tickets: https://checkout.lewisdeepdemocracy.com/p/hljyeft08

Join Myrna Lewis in an interactive and experiential Masterclass designed to develop your ability to navigate disagreements and transform them from a source of stress into opportunities for growth, deeper learning, and innovation.

You will leave the Masterclass with:

  • An understanding of the root causes of conflict and how it emerges in group settings.

  • An awareness of how to create an environment where conflicting views can be expressed and heard.

  • Practical strategies for addressing and resolving tension.

  • An opportunity to experience first-hand the power of the method and see the methodology in action, allowing you to witness its transformative potential.

  • Uncover new aspects of yourself, enriching your personal growth and enhancing your professional capabilities.

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Level 3 Foundation
to Jun 11

Level 3 Foundation

Instructor: Marcel Rasche & Helga Schepers

Location: Belgium, Leuven

On Site

Language: English

Contact: Helga@3vision.be

Website: https://www.deepdemocracy.biz/

Dive Deeper into Group Dynamics with Our Level 3 Lewis Deep Democracy Course!

Ready to take your facilitation skills to the next level? Join us for our immersive two-day Level 3 course, where we plunge beneath the surface to explore the powerful tools of Lewis Deep Democracy's fifth step: amplification, polarization, and conflict resolution.

What can you expect?

🔍 Advanced Techniques: Refresh and expand your understanding of CoResolve basics while delving into concepts like "Amplification," polarization, and conflict resolution.

🤝 Conflict Resolution Mastery: Develop the heightened ability to navigate group conflicts with finesse, leading your team towards effective and sustainable solutions.

🧠 Neutrality Training: Strengthen your "neutrality muscle," honing in on your ability to remain impartial in group dynamics, swiftly recognizing and regaining neutrality when needed.

👂 Enhanced Listening Skills: Master reflective listening techniques to foster deeper understanding and connection within your group.

Don't miss out on this opportunity to elevate your facilitation game and empower your groups to thrive amidst challenges. Enroll now and unlock the full potential of Lewis Deep Democracy's transformative approach!

This course is also with in room supervision by Myrna!

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Open Dialogue Session in Belgium with Myrna Lewis

Open Dialogue Session in Belgium with Myrna Lewis

Instructor: Myrna Lewis

Location: On Site

Venue: Rijdende Artillerielaan 5, Leuven, Belgium

Language: English

Contact: support@lewisdeepdemocracy.com

Book Tickets: https://checkout.lewisdeepdemocracy.com/p/xg241ku98

Evening Open Dialogue Session: Join us as Myrna Guides us Through Polarising Times in Belgium

Do you want to be a voice for unity in a divided Belgium? Do you want to play an active role in promoting inclusivity and fostering connection amidst the increasing polarisation in Belgium? Then let's come together, listen, and build bridges following the principles of Lewis Deep Democracy, aiming for a more inclusive Belgium.

Time: Arrive 6:30 pm. Session 7pm - 9 pm

Price: € 75 for business persons € 50 for individuals

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CoResolve Foundation
to Jun 19

CoResolve Foundation

Instructor: Christiane Leiste

Location: Austria, 1020 Wien, Lassallestraße 5

On site

Language: German

Contact: info@lean-in.eu

Website: https://www.lean-in.eu/workshop-coresolve

Der dreitägige CoResolve-Kurs ist ein grundlegendes Training, in dem die Tools und der theoretische Hintergrund von Lewis Deep Democracy und CoResolve vermittelt und geübt werden. Der Kurs ist pragmatisch und äußerst erfahrungsorientiert mit dem Fokus, Bewusstsein sowohl auf individuelles Verhalten als auch das Potenzial der Gruppe zu lenken. Nach Abschluss des Kurses kann das Gelernte sofort in die Praxis umgesetzt werden.

Sie erlangen ein tieferes Verständnis von Gruppenprozessen.
Sie lernen, Vertrauen und psychologische Sicherheit in Teams aufzubauen.
Sie erhalten Tools, um Meetings und Konferenzen effizient und integrativ zu moderieren.
Sie lernen Entscheidungen herbeizuführen, in die alle Perspektiven eingehen und für die alle Teammitglieder Verantwortung übernehmen.
Sie lernen die Vielfalt von Positionen und Widerspruch als gute Basis für Meinungsbildungsprozesse zu schätzen und zu nutzen.
Sie lernen frühe Anzeichen von Widerstand und auftauchenden Konflikten zu bemerken und aufzugreifen, um Spannungen zu reduzieren und lösen.
Sie erfahren, wie man die kollektive Intelligenz einer Gruppe nutzbar macht.
Sie üben das Moderieren aus unterschiedlichen Positionen: Aus der Moderator*innen-, der Teilnehmer*innen- und der Führungsposition.
Sie üben das Bearbeiten und Lösen von Differenzen und Konflikten in Einzelgesprächen und Gruppen.
Sie erlangen neue Erkenntnisse über Rollentheorie, Rollenverständnis und Rollenzuordnung.

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Masterclass in London: Unlock the Art of Navigating Polarities

Masterclass in London: Unlock the Art of Navigating Polarities

Instructor: Myrna Lewis

Location: On Site

Venue: Lift Islington, 45 White Lion Street London, N1 9PW

Language: English

Contact: support@lewisdeepdemocracy.com

Book Tickets: https://checkout.lewisdeepdemocracy.com/p/rz85xz9yf

Join Myrna Lewis in an interactive and experiential Masterclass designed to develop your ability to navigate disagreements and transform them from a source of stress into opportunities for growth, deeper learning, and innovation.

You will leave the Masterclass with:

  • An understanding of the root causes of conflict and how it emerges in group settings.

  • An awareness of how to create an environment where conflicting views can be expressed and heard.

  • Practical strategies for addressing and resolving tension.

  • An opportunity to experience first-hand the power of the method and see the methodology in action, allowing you to witness its transformative potential.

  • Uncover new aspects of yourself, enriching your personal growth and enhancing your professional capabilities.

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Level 2 Foundation
to Jun 21

Level 2 Foundation

Instructor: Inge Smak

Location: Netherlands- Utrecht - Langbroek

On Site

Language: Dutch

Contact: info@ingesmak.com

Website: https://ingesmak.com/deep-democracy-level-2/

In tweeënhalve dag leer je de tools van Deep Democracy verder toepassen. Je oefent met het begeleiden van vergaderingen, vanuit zowel de rol van de leider met een belang als de neutrale procesbegeleider. Ook onderzoeken we de invloed van een groepslid op een vergadering. Je krijgt de kans om deze zowel offline als online te oefenen.

Je leert de Let’s talk. Dit is een methode die structuur biedt voor één-op-één gesprekken. In te zetten bij conflict- en waarderingsgesprekken.

Je ontwikkelt meer grip op de groep met behulp van de concrete toepassing van roltheorie. Je gaat patronen van de groep in kaart brengen. Hierdoor zie je waar de spanning zit en hoe je de groep helpt zijn eigen keuzes te maken.

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Masterclass in The Netherlands: Unlock the Art of Navigating Polarities

Masterclass in The Netherlands: Unlock the Art of Navigating Polarities

Instructor: Myrna Lewis

Location: On Site

Venue: Ockhuizerweg 16b, 3455, Haarzuilens, The Netherlands

Language: English

Contact: support@lewisdeepdemocracy.com

Book Tickets: https://checkout.lewisdeepdemocracy.com/p/1p8j6fhb

Join Myrna Lewis in an interactive and experiential Masterclass designed to develop your ability to navigate disagreements and transform them from a source of stress into opportunities for growth, deeper learning, and innovation.

You will leave the Masterclass with:

  • An understanding of the root causes of conflict and how it emerges in group settings.

  • An awareness of how to create an environment where conflicting views can be expressed and heard.

  • Practical strategies for addressing and resolving tension.

  • An opportunity to experience first-hand the power of the method and see the methodology in action, allowing you to witness its transformative potential.

  • Uncover new aspects of yourself, enriching your personal growth and enhancing your professional capabilities.

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Online Webinar: Inclusive Leadership

Online Webinar: Inclusive Leadership

Instructor: Myrna Lewis & Stephanie van Rossum

Location: Online

Language: English

Contact: stephanie@coresolvers.nl

Book Tickets: https://www.coresolvers.nl/product/online-webinar-inclusive-leadership/

Discover The Path to Engagement and Effectiveness

Are you a leader who believes in fostering a work environment where every voice is heard? Do you want to discover the key to increased engagement, joy at work, and more effective decision-making without having to work harder?

Join us for an inspiring webinar on inclusive leadership, presented by none other than Myrna Lewis, the founder of Lewis Deep Democracy, and Stephanie van Rossum, author of the book Lui Leadership & Krachtig Kaderen (Lazy Leadership & Firmly Framing).


24 June 2024

Time: 7h30pm - 9h00pm CET

Price: € 33 (excl. VAT)

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Level 3 Foundation
to Jul 7

Level 3 Foundation

Instructor: Inge Smak

Location: Netherlands- Utrecht - Langbroek

Language: Dutch


Contact: info@ingesmak.com

Website: https://ingesmak.com/deep-democracy-level-3/

Deep Democracy is bedoeld voor iedereen die met dynamiek binnen groepen te maken heeft. Werken met groepen, klein of groot, is leuk én vaak een uitdaging. Deep Democracy volgt een krachtige 5-stapsmethode om de potentie van een groep te ontketenen. Zo kun je conflicten en diversiteit benutten en van daaruit duurzame besluiten nemen!

In level 3 richt je je specifiek op het oefenen van gesprekken waar polarisatie, spanning en/of conflicten een rol spelen. In deze tweedaagse leer je hoe jij stap voor stap de groep begeleid door de spanning heen op zoek naar de wijsheid.

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Level 3 Foundation
to Aug 11

Level 3 Foundation

Instructor: Marcel Rasche

Location: Wendisch-Rietz (by Berlin, Germany)

On Site

Language: English

Contact: marcel@mrdeepdemocracy.com

Website: https://mrdeepdemocracy.com/products/level-3-workshop-on-10-11-august-2024-diversity-lab-english

Building on the tools of CoResolve (LDD Level 1+2), the advanced Level 3 course brings your conflict resolution and facilitation skills to the next level. In this two-days course you will gain a hands-on experience of the power of LDD in the areas of:
- Team Dynamics
- Identifying Resistance
- Proactive Conflict Resolution
- Collaborative Decision-Making
- Amplification and Polarization
- Navigate Group Conflicts
- Training your Neutrality Muscle
- Reflective Listening Skills
Enroll now to unlock the full potential of Lewis Deep Democracy's facilitation methodology for your teams!

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CoResolve Foundation
to Sep 4

CoResolve Foundation

Instructor: Jenny Leclezio and Maud Halkes

Location: Thorn, The Netherlands

On site

Language: English

Contact: maudhalkes@inclusioninternational.eu

Website: https://www.shine.global/events

This internationally acclaimed innovative program equips leaders to improve teamwork and decision-making, backed by proven results that are highly impactful and sustainable. The workshop includes unique experiential tools for dealing with the tensions that inevitably arise on the Leadership path. It unlocks the wisdom inherent within teams through collaborative decision-making and constructive conflict resolution.

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Level 3 Foundation
to Sep 6

Level 3 Foundation

Instructor: Jenny Leclezio and Maud Halkes

Location: Thorn, The Netherlands

On Site

Language: English

Contact: maudhalkes@inclusioninternational.eu

Website: https://www.shine.global/events

An advanced two-day training workshop to develop conflict resolution skills which work with the unconscious processes underpinning team dynamics, polarisation and conflict. The course is highly experiential and designed to build on all you have already learned by correlating all the theory, diagnostics and tools of CoResolve (or LDD Level 1 and 2) into group dynamics real-time.

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CoResolve Foundation
to Sep 20

CoResolve Foundation

Instructor: Marcel Rasche

Location: Just Outside Berlin, Germany

On site

Language: German / Deutsch

Contact: marcel@mrdeepdemocracy.com

Website: https://mrdeepdemocracy.com/products/mediatiors-coresolve-deepdemocracy-level-1-2-workshop-19-20-september2024-diversity-lab-german

This workshop is tailored to German government certified mediatiors (§5, 6 Mediationsgesetz). While exploring Deep Democracy, the content will tie back into and the general mediator training and reference the standard processes.

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CoResolve Foundation
to Sep 20

CoResolve Foundation

Instructor: Marcel Rasche

Location: Diversity Lab Berlin, Germany

On site

Language: German

Contact: marcel@mrdeepdemocracy.com

Website: https://mrdeepdemocracy.com/

This workshop is tailored to government certified mediators (§5, 6 Mediationsgesetz). While exploring deep democracy the content will tie back into and the general mediator training and reference the standard processes. It upholds the "Verordnung über die Aus- und Fortbildung von zertifizierten Mediatoren" (Zertifizierte-Mediatoren-Ausbildungsverordnung - ZMediatAusbV).

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CoResolve Foundation
to Oct 20

CoResolve Foundation

Instructor: Marcel Rasche

Location: Wendisch-Rietz (by Berlin, Germany)

On site

Language: German

Contact: marcel@mrdeepdemocracy.com

Website: https://mrdeepdemocracy.com/products/coresolve-workshop-13-14-april-2024-diversity-lab-german

The two day workshop will introduce you to the eight core tools of Deep Democracy / Coresolve. It is equivalent to and combines the content of Level 1 & Level 2 of Lewis Deep Democracy Workshops.

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CoResolve Foundation
to Oct 23

CoResolve Foundation

Instructor: Christiane Leiste

Location: Switzerland, 8008 Zürich, Hornbachstraße 50, Isi

On site

Language: German

Contact: info@lean-in.eu

Website: https://systemische-impulse.ch/angebote/detail/24-05-VM15/coresolve-mit-deep-democracy

Der dreitägige CoResolve-Kurs ist ein grundlegendes Training, in dem die Tools und der theoretische Hintergrund von Lewis Deep Democracy und CoResolve vermittelt und geübt werden. Der Kurs ist pragmatisch und äußerst erfahrungsorientiert mit dem Fokus, Bewusstsein sowohl auf individuelles Verhalten als auch das Potenzial der Gruppe zu lenken. Nach Abschluss des Kurses kann das Gelernte sofort in die Praxis umgesetzt werden.


-Sie erlangen ein tieferes Verständnis von Gruppenprozessen.
Sie lernen, Vertrauen und psychologische Sicherheit in Teams aufzubauen.
-Sie erhalten Tools, um Meetings und Konferenzen effizient und integrativ zu moderieren.
-Sie lernen Entscheidungen herbeizuführen, in die alle Perspektiven eingehen und für die alle Teammitglieder Verantwortung übernehmen.
-Sie lernen die Vielfalt von Positionen und Widerspruch als gute Basis für Meinungsbildungsprozesse zu schätzen und zu nutzen.
-Sie lernen frühe Anzeichen von Widerstand und auftauchenden Konflikten zu bemerken und aufzugreifen, um Spannungen zu reduzieren und lösen.
-Sie erfahren, wie man die kollektive Intelligenz einer Gruppe nutzbar macht.
-Sie üben das Moderieren aus unterschiedlichen Positionen: Aus der Moderator*innen-, der Teilnehmer*innen- und der Führungsposition.
-Sie üben das Bearbeiten und Lösen von Differenzen und Konflikten in Einzelgesprächen und Gruppen.
-Sie erlangen neue Erkenntnisse über Rollentheorie, Rollenverständnis und Rollenzuordnung.

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CoResolve Foundation
to Nov 30

CoResolve Foundation

Instructor: Christiane Leiste

Location: Germany, Lean-In GmbH, 22143 Hamburg, Birrenkovenallee 13

On site

Language: German

Contact: info@lean-in.eu

Website: https://www.lean-in.eu/workshop-coresolve

Der dreitägige CoResolve-Kurs ist ein grundlegendes Training, in dem die Tools und der theoretische Hintergrund von Lewis Deep Democracy und CoResolve vermittelt und geübt werden. Der Kurs ist pragmatisch und äußerst erfahrungsorientiert mit dem Fokus, Bewusstsein sowohl auf individuelles Verhalten als auch das Potenzial der Gruppe zu lenken. Nach Abschluss des Kurses kann das Gelernte sofort in die Praxis umgesetzt werden.


-Sie erlangen ein tieferes Verständnis von Gruppenprozessen.
Sie lernen, Vertrauen und psychologische Sicherheit in Teams aufzubauen.
-Sie erhalten Tools, um Meetings und Konferenzen effizient und integrativ zu moderieren.
-Sie lernen Entscheidungen herbeizuführen, in die alle Perspektiven eingehen und für die alle Teammitglieder Verantwortung übernehmen.
-Sie lernen die Vielfalt von Positionen und Widerspruch als gute Basis für Meinungsbildungsprozesse zu schätzen und zu nutzen.
-Sie lernen frühe Anzeichen von Widerstand und auftauchenden Konflikten zu bemerken und aufzugreifen, um Spannungen zu reduzieren und lösen.
-Sie erfahren, wie man die kollektive Intelligenz einer Gruppe nutzbar macht.
-Sie üben das Moderieren aus unterschiedlichen Positionen: Aus der Moderator*innen-, der Teilnehmer*innen- und der Führungsposition.
-Sie üben das Bearbeiten und Lösen von Differenzen und Konflikten in Einzelgesprächen und Gruppen.
-Sie erlangen neue Erkenntnisse über Rollentheorie, Rollenverständnis und Rollenzuordnung.

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Instructor: Myrna Lewis & Belamie Peddle

Location: Online

Language: English

Contact: support@lewisdeepdemocracy.com

Website: https://lewis-deep-democracy.squarespace.com/shift-eq

Register: https://3qiu0pvy5gq.typeform.com/shift-eq

Are you ready to level up your leadership skills and transform the way you navigate workplace challenges? Join us for the upcoming ShiftEQ Course, where you'll gain the tools to handle power dynamics, conflicts, and tension with finesse and confidence.

📅 Dates: 24 April, 1, 8, 15, 22 May, 4pm - 5:30pm AEST / 8am - 9:30am CET/ 7am - 8:30 BST

Why ShiftEQ?

In today's dynamic work environments, the ability to navigate power plays, resolve conflicts, and foster inclusivity is paramount. ShiftEQ is your guide to mastering these skills. Led by our experts Myrna Lewis and Belamie Peddle, this course provides in-depth insights and hands-on techniques to promote open dialogue, collaborative decision-making, and a positive work culture.

What You'll Learn:
- Recognise and manage resistant behaviour
- Enable collaborative decisions
- Improve communication
- Understand interrelationship dynamics
- Deal with tension and conflict
- Harness diversity

Who Should Attend?
ShiftEQ is a practical, efficient course for mid-career professionals, employees, and entrepreneurs in all sectors. A course for people who work and #consult with individuals, groups, teams, and divisions.

Don't miss this opportunity to equip yourself with the skills to thrive in any professional setting.

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CoResolve Foundation
to Apr 19

CoResolve Foundation

Instructor: Helga Schepers & Nele Vandeperre

Location: Rijdende Artillerielaan 5, 3000 Leuven Belgium

On site

Language: English

Contact: Helga@3vision.be

Website: https://www.deepdemocracy.biz/

CoResolve for todays leaders... Working together on supported decision-making.

Dive into a facilitation methodology designed for dealing with emotionally charged dynamics and diversity. Leaders of all types benefit from theoretical foundations, practical instructions, and continuing support. Gain a fresh perspective on team dynamics, identifying resistance, and proactive conflict resolution. Encourage mutual understanding, collaborative decision-making, and open communication. Learn to accept friction as a source of growth and innovation. This intensive two-day workshop offers hands-on training, empowering participants to use Lewis Deep Democracy tools effectively while gaining invaluable self-insights. Boost your leadership and change your approach to confrontation. Join us and unlock your team's full potential.

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Instructor: Myrna Lewis & Belamie Peddle

Location: Online

Language: English

Contact: support@lewisdeepdemocracy.com

Website: https://lewis-deep-democracy.squarespace.com/shift-eq

Register: https://3qiu0pvy5gq.typeform.com/shift-eq

Are you ready to level up your leadership skills and transform the way you navigate workplace challenges? Join us for the upcoming ShiftEQ Course, where you'll gain the tools to handle power dynamics, conflicts, and tension with finesse and confidence.

📅 Dates: 9, 16, 23, 30 April & 7 May, 5pm - 6:30pm AEST / 9am - 10:30am CET/ 8am - 9:30 BST

Why ShiftEQ?

In today's dynamic work environments, the ability to navigate power plays, resolve conflicts, and foster inclusivity is paramount. ShiftEQ is your guide to mastering these skills. Led by our experts Myrna Lewis and Belamie Peddle, this course provides in-depth insights and hands-on techniques to promote open dialogue, collaborative decision-making, and a positive work culture.

What You'll Learn:
- Recognise and manage resistant behaviour
- Enable collaborative decisions
- Improve communication
- Understand interrelationship dynamics
- Deal with tension and conflict
- Harness diversity

Who Should Attend?
ShiftEQ is a practical, efficient course for mid-career professionals, employees, and entrepreneurs in all sectors. A course for people who work and #consult with individuals, groups, teams, and divisions.

Don't miss this opportunity to equip yourself with the skills to thrive in any professional setting.

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Level 4 Foundation
to Apr 6

Level 4 Foundation

Instructor: Christiane Leiste

Location: In Cooperation wit SyNA: Germany, 86919 Utting am Ammersee, Dr.Binswangerstraße 2,

Language: German


Contact: info@lean-in.eu

Website: https://www.lean-in.eu/en/workshop-ldd

In dem dreitägigen Level-4-Kurs erweitern wir die eigenen Metaskills durch ein tieferes Verständnis und Gewahrsein von uns selbst, basierend auf den psychologischen Modellen, die Lewis Deep Democracy zugrunde liegen. Wir verfeinern und vertiefen die Praxis. Die Voraussetzung für Level 4 ist der Abschluss von Level 1, 2 und 3 oder CoResolve und Level 3.

Kennenlernen psychologischer Modelle, einschließlich der Arbeiten von Freud, Bern, Erskin, Jung und Mindell
tieferes Verständnis für die eigene Psychologie und die eigenen Muster
tieferes Verständnis und Entwicklung der Metaskills
Rang und Privilegien als Teil des Gruppenprozesses und der Moderation
Üben und vertiefte Erfahrung der Moderation von Gruppenprozessen und Konfliktlösung
Zugang zu weiterer Praxis und Supervision

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Level 3 Foundation
to Apr 3

Level 3 Foundation

Instructor: Christiane Leiste

Location: In Cooperation with SyNA: Germany, 86919 Utting am Ammersee, Dr. Binswanger-Straße 2

Language: German

Contact: info@lean-in.eu

Website: https://www.lean-in.eu/en/workshop-ldd

Der zweitägige Level-3-Kurs ist ein Training für Fortgeschrittene, in dem wir tiefer unter die Wasserlinie gehen und weitere Tools des fünften Schritts von Lewis Deep Democracy kennenlernen: Verstärkung, Polarisierung und Konfliktlösung. Das Programm ist auf die Erfahrungen innerhalb der Gruppe fokussiert. Wir werden unsere Moderationsfähigkeiten weiter ausbauen und unseren „Neutralitätsmuskel“ trainieren

​-Auffrischung und Erweiterung der Grundlagen aus CoResolve
-„Amplifikation“, Polarisierung, Role-Mapping
-Konfliktlösung: die erhöhte Fähigkeit, eine Gruppe auch bei Konflikten zu „halten“ und die Prozesse zur Lösung zu leiten
-Neutralität: eine erhöhte Sensibilität bezüglich der eigenen Neutralität entwickeln, schnell erkennen, wenn man sie verloren hat und wissen, wie man sie wiedererlangen kann
-Zuhörtechniken: reflektierendes Zuhören (Reflective Listening)

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Level 3 Foundation
to Apr 3

Level 3 Foundation

Instructor: Inge Smak

Location: Netherlands- Utrecht - Langbroek

Language: Dutch


Contact: info@ingesmak.com

Website: https://ingesmak.com/deep-democracy-level-3/

Deep Democracy is bedoeld voor iedereen die met dynamiek binnen groepen te maken heeft. Werken met groepen, klein of groot, is leuk én vaak een uitdaging. Deep Democracy volgt een krachtige 5-stapsmethode om de potentie van een groep te ontketenen. Zo kun je conflicten en diversiteit benutten en van daaruit duurzame besluiten nemen!

In level 3 richt je je specifiek op het oefenen van gesprekken waar polarisatie, spanning en/of conflicten een rol spelen. In deze tweedaagse leer je hoe jij stap voor stap de groep begeleid door de spanning heen op zoek naar de wijsheid.

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CoResolve Foundation
to Mar 15

CoResolve Foundation

Instructor: Marcel Rasche

Location: Wendisch-Rietz (by Berlin, Germany)

On site

Language: German

Contact: marcel@mrdeepdemocracy.com

Website: https://mrdeepdemocracy.com/products/coresolve-workshop-13-14-april-2024-diversity-lab-german

The two day workshop will introduce you to the eight core tools of Deep Democracy / Coresolve. It is equivalent to and combines the content of Level 1 & Level 2 of Lewis Deep Democracy Workshops.

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CoResolve Foundation
to Mar 15

CoResolve Foundation

Instructor: Christiane Leiste

Location: Lean-In GmbH, Birrenkovenallee 13 , 22143 Hamburg, Germany

On site

Language: German

Contact: info@lean-in.eu

Website: https://www.lean-in.eu/workshop-coresolve

Der dreitägige CoResolve-Kurs ist ein grundlegendes Training, in dem die Tools und der theoretische Hintergrund von Lewis Deep Democracy und CoResolve vermittelt und geübt werden. Der Kurs ist pragmatisch und äußerst erfahrungsorientiert mit dem Fokus, Bewusstsein sowohl auf individuelles Verhalten als auch das Potenzial der Gruppe zu lenken. Nach Abschluss des Kurses kann das Gelernte sofort in die Praxis umgesetzt werden.


Sie erlangen ein tieferes Verständnis von Gruppenprozessen.
Sie lernen, Vertrauen und psychologische Sicherheit in Teams aufzubauen.
Sie erhalten Tools, um Meetings und Konferenzen effizient und integrativ zu moderieren.
Sie lernen Entscheidungen herbeizuführen, in die alle Perspektiven eingehen und für die alle Teammitglieder Verantwortung übernehmen.
Sie lernen die Vielfalt von Positionen und Widerspruch als gute Basis für Meinungsbildungsprozesse zu schätzen und zu nutzen.
Sie lernen frühe Anzeichen von Widerstand und auftauchenden Konflikten zu bemerken und aufzugreifen, um Spannungen zu reduzieren und lösen.
Sie erfahren, wie man die kollektive Intelligenz einer Gruppe nutzbar macht.
Sie üben das Moderieren aus unterschiedlichen Positionen: Aus der Moderator*innen-, der Teilnehmer*innen- und der Führungsposition.
Sie üben das Bearbeiten und Lösen von Differenzen und Konflikten in Einzelgesprächen und Gruppen.
Sie erlangen neue Erkenntnisse über Rollentheorie, Rollenverständnis und Rollenzuordnung.

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CoResolve Foundation
to Mar 15

CoResolve Foundation

Instructor: Jenny Leclezio and Maud Halkes

Location: Thorn, Netherlands

On site

Language: English

Contact: maudhalkes@inclusioninternational.eu

Website: https://www.shine.global/events

Join us for a 3-day transformational course in the picturesque town of Thorn, Netherlands, from March 13th to 15th, 2024. This internationally acclaimed innovative program equips leaders to improve teamwork and decision-making, backed by proven results that are highly impactful and sustainable. The workshop includes unique experiential tools for dealing with the tensions that inevitably arise on the Leadership path. It unlocks the wisdom inherent within teams through collaborative decision-making and constructive conflict resolution. Earn CCE credits towards your ICF requirements while honing your leadership skills.

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Level 2 Foundation
to Feb 29

Level 2 Foundation

Instructor: Inge Smak

Location: Netherlands- Utrecht - Langbroek

On Site

Language: Dutch

Contact: info@ingesmak.com

Website: https://ingesmak.com/deep-democracy-level-2/

In tweeënhalve dag leer je de tools van Deep Democracy verder toepassen. Je oefent met het begeleiden van vergaderingen, vanuit zowel de rol van de leider met een belang als de neutrale procesbegeleider. Ook onderzoeken we de invloed van een groepslid op een vergadering. Je krijgt de kans om deze zowel offline als online te oefenen.

Je leert de Let’s talk. Dit is een methode die structuur biedt voor één-op-één gesprekken. In te zetten bij conflict- en waarderingsgesprekken.

Je ontwikkelt meer grip op de groep met behulp van de concrete toepassing van roltheorie. Je gaat patronen van de groep in kaart brengen. Hierdoor zie je waar de spanning zit en hoe je de groep helpt zijn eigen keuzes te maken.

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Instructor: Myrna Lewis & Belamie Peddle

Location: Online

Language: English

Contact: support@lewisdeepdemocracy.com

Website: https://lewis-deep-democracy.squarespace.com/shift-eq

Register: https://3qiu0pvy5gq.typeform.com/shift-eq

Are you ready to level up your leadership skills and transform the way you navigate workplace challenges? Join us for the upcoming ShiftEQ Course, where you'll gain the tools to handle power dynamics, conflicts, and tension with finesse and confidence.

📅 Dates: 13, 20, 27 February 2024 and 5 & 12 March 2024, 6pm - 7:30pm AEST / 8am - 9:30am CET

Why ShiftEQ?

In today's dynamic work environments, the ability to navigate power plays, resolve conflicts, and foster inclusivity is paramount. ShiftEQ is your guide to mastering these skills. Led by our experts Myrna Lewis and Belamie Peddle, this course provides in-depth insights and hands-on techniques to promote open dialogue, collaborative decision-making, and a positive work culture.

What You'll Learn:
- Recognise and manage resistant behaviour
- Enable collaborative decisions
- Improve communication
- Understand interrelationship dynamics
- Deal with tension and conflict
- Harness diversity

Who Should Attend?
ShiftEQ is a practical, efficient course for mid-career professionals, employees, and entrepreneurs in all sectors. A course for people who work and #consult with individuals, groups, teams, and divisions.

Don't miss this opportunity to equip yourself with the skills to thrive in any professional setting.

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Instructor: Myrna Lewis & Belamie Peddle

Location: Online

Language: English

Contact: info@lewisdeepdemocracy.com

Website: https://lewis-deep-democracy.squarespace.com/shift-eq

Register: https://3qiu0pvy5gq.typeform.com/shift-eq

Are you ready to level up your leadership skills and transform the way you navigate workplace challenges? Join us for the upcoming ShiftEQ Course, where you'll gain the tools to handle power dynamics, conflicts, and tension with finesse and confidence.

📅 Dates: 24, 31 January, 7, 14, 21 February: 6pm - 7:30pm AEST / 8am - 9:30am CET (or choose from our other upcoming course dates in January 2024)

Times suited for participants in Europe/ South Africa/ Australia.

Why ShiftEQ?
In today's dynamic work environments, the ability to navigate power plays, resolve conflicts, and foster inclusivity is paramount. ShiftEQ is your guide to mastering these skills. Led by our experts Myrna Lewis and Belamie Peddle, this course provides in-depth insights and hands-on techniques to promote open dialogue, collaborative decision-making, and a positive work culture.

What You'll Learn:
- Recognise and manage resistant behaviour
- Enable collaborative decisions
- Improve communication
- Understand interrelationship dynamics
- Deal with tension and conflict
- Harness diversity

Who Should Attend?
ShiftEQ is a practical, efficient course for mid-career professionals, employees, and entrepreneurs in all sectors. A course for people who work and #consult with individuals, groups, teams, and divisions.

Don't miss this opportunity to equip yourself with the skills to thrive in any professional setting.

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Instructor: Myrna Lewis & Belamie Peddle

Location: Online

Language: English

Contact: info@lewisdeepdemocracy.com

Website: https://lewis-deep-democracy.squarespace.com/shift-eq

Register: https://3qiu0pvy5gq.typeform.com/shift-eq

Are you ready to level up your leadership skills and transform the way you navigate workplace challenges? Join us for the upcoming ShiftEQ Course, where you'll gain the tools to handle power dynamics, conflicts, and tension with finesse and confidence.

📅 Dates: 23, 30 January, 6, 13, 20 February 6pm - 7:30pm EST / 24, 31 January, 7, 14, 21 February: 10am - 11:30am AEST (or choose from our other upcoming course dates in January 2024)

Times suited for participants in USA, South America, and Australia.

Why ShiftEQ?
In today's dynamic work environments, the ability to navigate power plays, resolve conflicts, and foster inclusivity is paramount. ShiftEQ is your guide to mastering these skills. Led by our experts Myrna Lewis and Belamie Peddle, this course provides in-depth insights and hands-on techniques to promote open dialogue, collaborative decision-making, and a positive work culture.

What You'll Learn:
- Recognise and manage resistant behaviour
- Enable collaborative decisions
- Improve communication
- Understand interrelationship dynamics
- Deal with tension and conflict
- Harness diversity

Who Should Attend?
ShiftEQ is a practical, efficient course for mid-career professionals, employees, and entrepreneurs in all sectors. A course for people who work and #consult with individuals, groups, teams, and divisions.

Don't miss this opportunity to equip yourself with the skills to thrive in any professional setting.

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Level 1 Foundation
to Jan 23

Level 1 Foundation

Instructor: Inge Smak

Location: Netherlands, Utrecht- Langbroek

Language: Dutch

On Site

Contact: info@ingesmak.com

Website: https://ingesmak.com/deep-democracy-level-1/

In deze tweedaagse training leer je de basisgedachten en enkele krachtige tools voor besluitvorming en conflictresolutie van de Lewis methode van Deep Democracy. We maken gebruik van alle informatie die van invloed is op de besluitvorming in groepen, zoals emoties, gedachten, fysieke symptomen of archetypes. Je oefent zelf met het faciliteren van werkvormen als de check in, gesprek op voeten en de 4 stappen van besluitvorming. Je verdiept jouw metaskills als facilitator om complexe groepsdynamiek te begeleiden, doordat jij je meer bewust wordt van de rollen die je in een groep inneemt.

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Level 3 Foundation
to Jan 12

Level 3 Foundation

Instructor: Sacha Beets

Location: Utrecht, The Netherlands

Language: Dutch


Contact: info@sassankofa.nl

Website: https://sassankofa.nl/deep-democracy/trainingen/

About two weeks after Level 2, we organize an intervision day part in which the group of participants gets to work independently with a few assignments and their own case studies. A few weeks later, Level 3 will start. Also a two-day program with a focus on methods and skills to guide groups with deeper emotional issues and conflicts in a deeply democratic way.

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Level 1 Foundation

Level 1 Foundation

Instructor: Yonathan Keren

Location: Karavanserai Amsterdam

Language: Dutch

Contact: home@houseofdeepdemocracy.nl

Website: Deep Democracy level 1 (2 dagen)

Deze methode biedt theorie en tools om gesprekken in beweging te krijgen. Deep Democracy voorziet in een context waarbinnen er naar alle stemmen wordt geluisterd. Doordat alle expertise en kennis van de groep wordt gebundeld, kunnen er duurzame oplossingen tot stand worden gebracht. De methode is bedoeld voor iedereen die met conflict om wil kunnen gaan, verschillen en diversiteit wil benutten en van daaruit duurzame besluiten durft te nemen. 

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Instructor: Myrna Lewis & Jane Nethery

Location: Sydney, Australia


4 x Sessions:

Session 1: Monday 30th of October

Session 2: Monday 6th of November

Session 3: Monday 20th of November

Session 4: Monday 4th of December

Time: 4:30 - 6:00 pm AEST

Language: English

Contact: support@lewisdeepdemocracy.com

Register: https://3qiu0pvy5gq.typeform.com/shift-ED

"ShiftED has enhanced my teaching and my student's learning; it's been a win for me." Teacher, South Africa

"I love the idea of giving students the skill of having a broader perspective and being able to occupy different positions with regards to a particular subject in a safe way" Teacher, Sydney

Are you an educator looking to transform your classroom, empower your students, and boost academic achievement? Look no further than ShiftED, a specially designed course based on international pedagogical research by Charles Darwin University and Lewis Deep Democracy.

What is ShiftED?

ShiftED is a game-changer for educators. This practical and easy-to-implement course is your key to elevating classroom dynamics. Teachers are taught critical 21st-century skills implicit in Lewis Deep Democracy to support your students to become successful lifelong learners who are confident, creative, active & informed members of their community.

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Level 2 Foundation
to Nov 24

Level 2 Foundation

Instructor: Sacha Beets

Location: Utrecht, The Netherlands

Language: Dutch

On Site

Contact: info@sassankofa.nl

Website: https://sassankofa.nl/deep-democracy/trainingen/

For enthusiasts who have completed Level 1 and want to further develop their skills. During Level 2 you will get a deeper understanding of and further practice with the Lewis Deep Democracy method. You learn to use the steps from three different roles; each with a different degree of neutrality and ranking. We also pay attention to the dynamics below the waterline. It should come as no surprise that Level 2 requires further training of your neutrality.

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CoResolve Foundation

CoResolve Foundation

Instructor: Stephanie van Rossum

Location: Utrecht, The Netherlands

On site

Language: Dutch

Contact: stephanie@coresolvers.nl

Website: https://www.coresolvers.nl/product/coresolve-deep-democracy-voor-leidinggevenden-live/

In CoResolve (Lewis Deep Democracy for leaders) you will learn various techniques for having the right conversation as a leader, how to use the full potential of your team and how to make supported decisions together. We especially look at a few meta-skills that are important for you as a leader to invite others to speak up and to fully grasp your leadership. As a leader, you have several skills that you have probably already fully developed. The skills from CoResolve are a rich complement to these.

To simulate the practice of a leader as much as possible, we create the setting of a business meeting. We work directly with the decision or conversation that needs to be made. CoResolve is short and powerful and focused on direct experience. Based on theory, but with especially many practical exercises and interaction so that the tools and techniques are easy to integrate.

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Instructor: Myrna Lewis & Jane Nethery

Location: Sydney, Australia


4 x Sessions:

Session 1: Monday 30th of October

Session 2: Monday 6th of November

Session 3: Monday 20th of November

Session 4: Monday 4th of December

Time: 4:30 - 6:00 pm AEST

Language: English

Contact: support@lewisdeepdemocracy.com

Register: https://3qiu0pvy5gq.typeform.com/shift-ED

"ShiftED has enhanced my teaching and my student's learning; it's been a win for me." Teacher, South Africa

"I love the idea of giving students the skill of having a broader perspective and being able to occupy different positions with regards to a particular subject in a safe way" Teacher, Sydney

Are you an educator looking to transform your classroom, empower your students, and boost academic achievement? Look no further than ShiftED, a specially designed course based on international pedagogical research by Charles Darwin University and Lewis Deep Democracy.

What is ShiftED?

ShiftED is a game-changer for educators. This practical and easy-to-implement course is your key to elevating classroom dynamics. Teachers are taught critical 21st-century skills implicit in Lewis Deep Democracy to support your students to become successful lifelong learners who are confident, creative, active & informed members of their community.

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Instructor: Myrna Lewis & Belamie Peddle

Location: Online

Language: English

Contact: info@lewisdeepdemocracy.com

Website: https://lewis-deep-democracy.squarespace.com/shift-eq

Register: https://3qiu0pvy5gq.typeform.com/shift-eq

Are you ready to level up your leadership skills and transform the way you navigate workplace challenges? Join us for the upcoming ShiftEQ Course, where you'll gain the tools to handle power dynamics, conflicts, and tension with finesse and confidence.

📅 Dates: 20, 27 November, 4, 11, 18 December: 6pm - 7:30pm AEST / 8am - 9:30am CET (or choose from our other upcoming course dates in January 2024)

Why ShiftEQ?
In today's dynamic work environments, the ability to navigate power plays, resolve conflicts, and foster inclusivity is paramount. ShiftEQ is your guide to mastering these skills. Led by our experts Myrna Lewis and Belamie Peddle, this course provides in-depth insights and hands-on techniques to promote open dialogue, collaborative decision-making, and a positive work culture.

What You'll Learn:
- Recognise and manage resistant behaviour
- Enable collaborative decisions
- Improve communication
- Understand interrelationship dynamics
- Deal with tension and conflict
- Harness diversity

Who Should Attend?
ShiftEQ is a practical, efficient course for mid-career professionals, employees, and entrepreneurs in all sectors. A course for people who work and #consult with individuals, groups, teams, and divisions.

Don't miss this opportunity to equip yourself with the skills to thrive in any professional setting.

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CoResolve Foundation

CoResolve Foundation

Instructor: Stephanie van Rossum

Location: Utrecht, The Netherlands

On site

Language: Dutch

Contact: stephanie@coresolvers.nl

Website: https://www.coresolvers.nl/product/coresolve-deep-democracy-voor-leidinggevenden-live/

In CoResolve (Lewis Deep Democracy for leaders) you will learn various techniques for having the right conversation as a leader, how to use the full potential of your team and how to make supported decisions together. We especially look at a few meta-skills that are important for you as a leader to invite others to speak up and to fully grasp your leadership. As a leader, you have several skills that you have probably already fully developed. The skills from CoResolve are a rich complement to these.

To simulate the practice of a leader as much as possible, we create the setting of a business meeting. We work directly with the decision or conversation that needs to be made. CoResolve is short and powerful and focused on direct experience. Based on theory, but with especially many practical exercises and interaction so that the tools and techniques are easy to integrate.

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Instructor: Myrna Lewis & Belamie Peddle

Location: Online

Language: English

Contact: info@lewisdeepdemocracy.com

Website: https://lewis-deep-democracy.squarespace.com/shift-eq

Register: https://3qiu0pvy5gq.typeform.com/shift-eq

Are you ready to level up your leadership skills and transform the way you navigate workplace challenges? Join us for the upcoming ShiftEQ Course, where you'll gain the tools to handle power dynamics, conflicts, and tension with finesse and confidence.

📅 Dates: 7th, 14th, 21st, 28th November & 5 December @ 4:00-5:30 pm AEST
(or choose from six upcoming course dates between August and November)

Why ShiftEQ?
In today's dynamic work environments, the ability to navigate power plays, resolve conflicts, and foster inclusivity is paramount. ShiftEQ is your guide to mastering these skills. Led by our experts Myrna Lewis and Belamie Peddle, this course provides in-depth insights and hands-on techniques to promote open dialogue, collaborative decision-making, and a positive work culture.

What You'll Learn:
- Recognise and manage resistant behaviour
- Enable collaborative decisions
- Improve communication
- Understand interrelationship dynamics
- Deal with tension and conflict
- Harness diversity

Who Should Attend?
ShiftEQ is a practical, efficient course for mid-career professionals, employees, and entrepreneurs in all sectors. A course for people who work and #consult with individuals, groups, teams, and divisions.

Don't miss this opportunity to equip yourself with the skills to thrive in any professional setting.

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Instructor: Myrna Lewis & Jane Nethery

Location: Sydney, Australia


4 x Sessions:

Session 1: Monday 30th of October

Session 2: Monday 6th of November

Session 3: Monday 20th of November

Session 4: Monday 4th of December

Time: 4:30 - 6:00 pm AEST

Language: English

Contact: support@lewisdeepdemocracy.com

Register: https://3qiu0pvy5gq.typeform.com/shift-ED

"ShiftED has enhanced my teaching and my student's learning; it's been a win for me." Teacher, South Africa

"I love the idea of giving students the skill of having a broader perspective and being able to occupy different positions with regards to a particular subject in a safe way" Teacher, Sydney

Are you an educator looking to transform your classroom, empower your students, and boost academic achievement? Look no further than ShiftED, a specially designed course based on international pedagogical research by Charles Darwin University and Lewis Deep Democracy.

What is ShiftED?

ShiftED is a game-changer for educators. This practical and easy-to-implement course is your key to elevating classroom dynamics. Teachers are taught critical 21st-century skills implicit in Lewis Deep Democracy to support your students to become successful lifelong learners who are confident, creative, active & informed members of their community.

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